Peritoneal Dialysis

Learn more about our Peritoneal Dialysis treatments and what to expect out of your experience at Universal Dialysis

Frequently Asked Questions About Peritoneal Dialysis

Training for peritoneal dialysis typically lasts 5-7 days, with a 3-hour session each day. We train you one-on-one during this time to give you the knowledge and abilities required to carry out your dialysis procedures successfully. We are here to support you every step of the way to ensure that you feel comfortable and confident while performing dialysis on your own in your home. We strive to adapt our teaching strategies to fit your needs because we recognize that each patient’s situation is unique.

Yes. Simply put, preparation is necessary. We give you a letter to give to the airlines when you travel by air. The PD cycler machine is transported without additional baggage fees as a carry-on luggage. When traveling within the US, you arrange with Baxter to have your medication transported at no extra cost to your destination. You can bring supplies with you or have them supplied to a prearranged site if you’re traveling by vehicle or RV. International travel needs more preparation and may incur more costs, but it is possible.

Yes. It is believed that people on PD maintain their remaining kidney function longer than those on HD, which is good for your health.

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What Our Patients Say

Here’s a glimpse of the stories and sentiments shared by those who have walked through our doors.

“Great place! They took care of me with patience and with the expertise"
Harrison W
Happy Clients
“Super helpful and kind staff and knowledgeable doctors. I highly recommend Universal Dialysis Center"
Doris J
Happy Clients


1329 W Walnut Hill Ln Suite #110


972 645 7980





Mon-Sat : 08.00 AM- 6:00 PM

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